Rice Electronics is a custom marine electronics manufacturer devoted to providing the best available technical support services to the industrial marine transportation and shipping industries, oilfield services, construction, energy services and refining industries. Our ISO 9001:20015 Certification certifies us to install, repair, and integrate a whole host of electronic navigation and communication equipment as well as electronic industrial video systems. Our first priority is to provide our customers with the best technical support, custom marine electronics, and facility and oil rig electronic equipment installation services anywhere. When other support and service providers and/or manufacturer factories are closed, who are you going to call? Call Rice Electronics, for we pride ourselves on providing “Louisiana Style” service and support – 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours per day – without fail, in any weather, and even on holidays – here in Texas, as well as globally around the world.
Because we consider ourselves a service organization first and foremost, our offices are strategically located geographically in Texas, Louisiana, Campeche (MX), Manama (BH) and Sao Paulo (BR) , so that we can respond quickly to your local calls for technical assistance. We literally never “miss the boat” when it comes to expediently responding to your needs and providing the best support service to your organization. Our technical support and custom marine electronics services are more economical too, since we’re located in all the major industrial marine areas along the Louisiana/Texas coast, you save money on mileage charges for our service calls.
Each Rice Electronics location boasts FCC-licensed, GMDSS-endorsed, ISO 9001:2015 compliant service technicians some with over 20 years experience in Custom Marine Electronics, Communications, Navigation, and System Integration, each with the ability to provide service down to the component level on a wide spectrum of products covering a broad range of manufacturers. Of course, our expertise and certifications make us the best possible choice to conduct any and all of your required equipment systems inspections.